



Client: Junge Helden
Health, Media, Direct, PR, Engagement, Social, Campaign for Good

Germany, a country where 84% of people are in favor of organ donation would still have 3 people die everyday waiting for one organ. In the end, only 0,001% donate. Why? Because you need to opt in as a donor and your family needs to have the document that proves your consent. In a country where 1 out of 4 people is tattooed, there's a great opportunity to show you opted in and start a conversation about it: Enters #Optink. A tattoo that can save lives.

We turned tattoo studios into organ donor recruitment centres and tattoo artists into advocates for the cause – spawning a perpetual stream of new donors every day. Organ donors became brand ambassadors, carrying the meaning of the tattoo wherever they go, forever.

We turned a life commitment into a commitment for life. #OPTINK

Optink even became a trivia question in the pop show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ at German TV RTL.


With the support from the medical community.